Performance Workstations

Red Barn Technology Group offers high performance workstations designed for professionals who require speed, performance, and efficiency to deal with demanding computer and memory-intensive applications.

Our high-end workstations combine the latest in processing capability, with advanced memory, power, and I/O technologies. We deliver a validated, optimized, multi-core platform - in a quiet package.Whether your applications require large amounts of memory, processing power, or graphical rendering capabilities, we'll work with you to design workstations optimized for your environment and its needs.

Performance Workstations image
The parts that go into our Performance Workstations

1-,2-,and 4- Processor Options

intel logo AMD logo
ThreadRipper logo

Industry-leading Manufacturers
for Maximum Energy Efficiency

AMD logo AMD logo
AMD logo AMD logo
ASRock-rack logo

Enterprise-class Stability

AMD logo AMD logo
AMD logo AMD logo
Graphics /GPU ADapters

SLI/ Crossfire-Compatible
8+ Monitor Support
4X GPU Support

ATI logo
Nvidia Tesla logo Nvidia RTX logo
Storage Options

SATA and SAS Support
Holds 8+ Hotswap Drives
RAOD 0,1,5,6,10,50,60 Available

AMD logo AMD logo
AMD logo AMD logo

Dule Boot AVailable
Virtualization Support

AMD logo Rocky Linux logo
AMD logo AMD logo
AMD logo AMD logo
AMD logo